College Applications/Transcript Requests

Now is the time to start sending in applications to colleges you are considering. Visit the websites of colleges you are interested in to learn how to apply to them.  Some applications will require letters of recommendation. Be sure to give teachers/administrators/counselors plenty of time to write them. As you start applying to colleges, you will need to request that your high school transcript be sent to the schools you are applying to.  You can take care of this by filling out a transcript request form located outside Mrs. Coose’s office and on the school website.  By completing this form, your high school transcript/ACT scores will be sent on your behalf to the school of your choice.  If you have questions, please see Mrs. Coose for help or visit the Counselor's Corner on the website.

***Some colleges require your ACT scores to be sent directly from ACT to the College Admissions offices. An example of such a college is MU-Columbia. If you are applying to one of those colleges, go to for more information on how to have your ACT scores sent directly from ACT.